Spin Control by Linda Mojer
It seems a lot like the telephone
game ... a person makes a statement at one end of the room, and by
the time it gets back to its author, the “translation” no
longer bears any resemblance to the original. At least one or two
readers routinely misinterpret these editorials (imagine!), and
where recent “buzz” about the national office is concerned, it
seems that there are quite a few amusing “translations” making
the rounds.
For those who follow late-breaking
news online (in between print issues) at www.racqmag.com, you
learned back in November that Luke
St. Onge had elected to step down as Executive Director of the
USRA, effective January 1, 2002. A thorough read of the material
released from the office was pretty clear about the planned
administrative re-structure, and a re-distribution of duties among
remaining staff (including St. Onge). Now, some eight weeks
later, we’ve heard just about every conceivable misinterpretation
of those facts, so here’s an update that might be helpful in
assuring everyone that the USRA is not going down like the Titanic.
Luke St. Onge will remain on
staff, in a director’s position, with responsibilities in
USOC and International Relations. Remaining directors Kevin Joyce
(Membership), Jim Hiser (Programs), and Linda Mojer
(Communications) have taken on duties formerly handled by the ED.
Kevin Joyce will now manage U.S. Team and Fundraising projects;
Hiser has taken on fiduciary/budgeting responsibilities, and Mojer
will direct sponsorship/marketing efforts. For the moment, a
cooperative effort among the four directors will guide the business
of the USRA through the close of the fiscal year (May 30).
At the same time, the USRA Board
of Directors has appointed a task force to determine the
association’s needs, in terms of whether or not to conduct a
full-scale search for an Executive Director, hire from within, or
do without an ED indefinitely. While those deliberations take
place, it’s a pretty sure bet that the magazine will continue to
be produced, national events will be hosted, membership will
continue to grow, and the sport’s international prominence will
be assured. Over the years, St. Onge hand-selected a team that is
more than capable of managing itself, and the business at hand,
through just this type of transition. So, despite any and all
rumors to the contrary, it’s only slightly modified
business-as-usual in our offices — leaving little need to run,
screaming, for the exits ...
Will there be other changes?
Maybe. Will they all be good? Perhaps. Should you continue to look
for accurate and up-to-the-minute information in RACQUETBALL —
and online at racqmag.com? Absolutely. And you can start with the
first of a two-part St. Onge
interview that doesn’t pull any punches ... about where the
sport has been, and where it’s headed. Then we can start a whole
new round of “the telephone game” and see where that leads us
in 2002. Happy New Year!