FROM THE EDITOR: Love or Money?
by Linda Mojer
Love or money? In preparing this issue, with its background look at
tournaments, I had to think about what it is about racquetball that
seems to bring out such strong feelings among its participants.
Granted, my theory is that were all a bit less traditional than
most (... I dont wanna play tennis ... you cant make
me!), and have tendencies toward more unusual ways to spend our
time. Nonetheless, its becoming more and more obvious that the
demand for quality racquetball is on the rise.
So lets say you do it for love. Youre a fanatic. Cant
get enough court time ever. When you compete in a tournament,
all you want is an opportunity to test your skill against your peers
preferably long enough to be in the hunt on Sunday. Food? Maybe.
Clothing? Maybe. But first and foremost, its the play. You want
the tournament director to share your passion maybe even enough
to show up as one of your opponents at some point and you
expect them to speak the same language over the course of
the weekend, as you fidget and pace, waiting to play more ...
Or you do it for money. For the purpose of this discussion (knowing
that very few athletes in our sport earn substantial cash), lets
add the standard formula: time is money. You have the best
equipment and accessories. When you compete in a tournament, all you
want is a return on your investments, value for your tournament
dollar, and to make good use of your weekend. You want your tournament
director to share your concerns maybe even enough to give it
full-time effort at some point and you expect them to provide
you with the highest quality experience, as you fidget and pace,
waiting for ... lunch.
Yes, these are the extremes, and most players will say that they
want both a great time and a good value. But the majority of
tournament directors happen to fall squarely into the love
category. Just like so many of us, they have real lives with full-time
jobs that demand their attention, but because they want to
make sure that tournament opportunities continue to exist, for
themselves as well as others they take on this added
responsibility, for little or no personal gain.
Is racquetball ready for a new breed of promoters who will develop
and run events that actually turn a profit and, in the process, offer
exceptional customer service to get your return business? If so, its
doubtful that those same promoters will be able to claim the type of
personal experience in the sport that keeps it ... well, personal.
So, will it be love or money? Are you ready for change? |