FROM THE EDITOR: Time & Space ...
by Linda Mojer
You know, I can never follow the plots of movies that involve time
travel ... I mean, how is it possible to go forward in time and meet
your own grandchildren? And what's the deal with matter not occupying
the same physical space at the same time? You explode if you
accidentally have physical contact with yourself in two different time
zones?? Photos of you disappear if you're in the wrong place
at the wrong time? See, I'm getting a headache already just thinking
about it ...
The reason I mention it is simply that, sure, you're all in the
holiday spirit probably getting ready to enjoy some turkey (in
real time) while I'm actually getting ready to go to National
Doubles (in the soon to be recent past ...) . I'm thinking "geez,
I used to know how to play this game ... I sure hope it comes back to
me over the weekend ..." You're wondering about how many
tournaments total it will take to work off that pumpkin
pie staring at you. I have to bear in mind that the first people to
see this issue hot off the press (aside from online readers) will be
U.S. OPEN participants in Memphis, who will already know how well I
did, or didn't do, at Doubles ... last month (thanks, Mary ...
thanks, Larry)! I think I'm getting a migraine ...
In planning each issue, I have to figure out what you might want to
read, or hear about, months from now. And "it must be
done delicately, or you hurt the spell ..." For this issue,
though, I think we've covered most of the bases including some
helpful tips on staying "in the now" from Lynn Adams,
Luke's annual recap of good news, and
plenty of information to keep you playing. The season is in full
swing; we've only been able to cram in calendar events through
mid-January. We've helped you with your holiday shopping with the
annual Gift Guide. Event coverage is as up-to-the-minute as we can get
it given that time/space continuum thing with at least
an attempt to get the Doubles results in at the last minute (still
iffy, but check page 63 to see if I made it).
Oh, and we'll be trying to arrange a cover shoot at Doubles, too
how did it turn out? So, even my shaky grasp on time travel convinces
me to wrap my mind around the thought that right now would be
a good time for me to begin thinking about what you'll want and need
to know next year. No matter that it's only mid-October time
waits for no woman! I can only hope I won't accidentally run into my
future self and explode all over one of the 1998 issues. Now doesn't
that give you a headache ...?
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