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LPRA matches are played the best of five to 21 points (with a two-point lead), scoring on every rally and service exchange (sideout) after each five points are scored. If tied at 20-20, players will exchange serve after each rally until the winner leads by two. Scores shown in parentheses indicate a losing game score for the eventual match winner. 

Example: A score shown as (16) (19) 15, 23, 7 would mean that the winner lost the first two games (16)-21, (19)-21, then won the final three games 21-16, 25-23, 21-7.

Rosarito Beach Resort
Rosarito Beach, Mexico: January 19-21, 2001

Seed Round of 32 16s Quarters Semis FINALISTS
#1 Christie Van Hees (Canada) Christie Van Hees Christie Van Hees
2, 6, 8
15, 15 (19) 15
14, 23, 13
#32 bye
#17 Stephanie Munger (Alaska) Kari McDonough
#16 Kari McDonough (Calif.)
#9 Doreen Fowler (Md.) Doreen Fowler
Susana Acosta
(14) 18, 20, 18
#24 Kelly Goddard
#25 Kelly Lazar Susana Acosta
6, 15, 9
#8 Susana Acosta (Mexico)
#5 Laura Fenton (Neb.) Laura Fenton Laura Fenton
(18) 16, 7, 10
12 (14) 21, 18
#28 Bye
#21 Lupita Torres (Mexico) Janet Myers
(20)(18) 19, 18.16
#12 Janet Myers (N.C.)
#13 Johanna Shattuck (Colo.) Johanna Shattuck
Rhonda Rajsich
(14) 15, 18, 15
#20 Nancy Enriquez (Mexico)
#29 bye Rhonda Rajsich
#4 Rhonda Rajsich (Ariz.)


Jackie PARAISO (19) 18 (15) 17, 19

#3 Cheryl Gudinas (Ill.) Cheryl Gudinas Cheryl Gudinas
10, 14, 8
(18) 15, 12, 13
18, 9, 10
#30 bye
#19 Johanna Rivera (Mexico) Angela Burth
13, 20 (16) 10
#14 Angela Burth (Nev.)
#11 Lori Jane Powell (Canada) L.J. Powell
(14)(21) 17, 12, 18
Kersten Hallander
14 (18) 19, 17
#22 Brooke Crawford (Idaho)
#27 bye Kersten Hallander
#6 Kersten Hallander (Calif.)
#7 Kim Machiran (Mo.) Kim Machiran Michelle Lucas
8, 13 (14) 18
10, 12, 13
#26 bye
#23 Tania Anguiano (Mexico) Michelle Lucas
9, 6, 15
#10 Michelle Lucas (Va.)
#15 Denise Mock (Texas) Denise Mock
5, 5, 2
Jackie Paraiso
5, 8, 7
#18 Ramona Vonondarza (Fla.)
#31 bye Jackie Paraiso
#2 Jackie Paraiso (Calif.)

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