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IAB Summit in the Rockies
Mountain Resort
Colorado Springs, Colorado
September 4-6, 2003
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The USRA is the National
Governing Body for the sport of racquetball, recognized by the U.S.
Olympic Committee and committed to excellence and service to its
members. It provides opportunities for members and enthusiasts to
actively participate in the sport, through the sanctioning of events,
administration of programs and development of competitive teams.
To provide racquetball opportunities in
the sport of racquetball for all levels of participation, through the
listed objectives:
- Membership support -- the USRA
values its members and will strive to provide member services at
all levels.
- Membership recruitment -- the USRA
believes that racquetball is a lifetime endeavor and the benefits
of health, recreation, and competition should be offered to
everyone. The USRA seeks to expand its membership in order to
share these benefits with as many players as possible.
- Promote sport -- in order to
sustain a strong player base, the USRA will promote through mass
marketing efforts the numerous benefits of participation.
- Competitive success -- the USRA
strives to maintain its position as the number one racquetball
nation in the world. Success at the elite levels has a positive
influence on every other facet of our sport.
- Sponsors and supporters -- the
USRA values its relationship with sponsors and will continue to
maximize benefits and exposures.
agenda & attendees
September 5
attendees |
Randy Allen
Brian Ancheta
Rich Barker
Usher Barnoff
Pat Bernardo
Mark Bianchi
Ron Brown
Debbie Bryant
John Bryant
Bruce Burgess
Juliet Campbell
Shari Coplen
Todd Danielson
Jim Davis
Laurel Davis
Karen Denu
Roger Dial
Otto Dietrich
William Dodge
Peyton Dorsett
Heather Dunn
Jim Easterling
Jeff Elder
Chris Evon
Suzanne Ewert
John Ferguson
Lorraine Galloway
Doug Ganim
Joe Garcia
Jim Garner
David George
Lance Gilliam
Carolyn Glover
Steven Graham
Terri Graham
Ryan Griffin
Tom Griffith
Ron Grimes
Valari Hendrickson
Bill Herr
Jason Hicks
Elizabeth Higa
Scott Hirsch
Jim Hollis
Jack Hughes
Terry Jones
Adam Katz
Tim Keaveny
Steve Kelley
Tom Keogh
Darold Key
Cheryl Kirk
Annette Knoth
Charles Lee
Robert Lerow
Paul Maduell
Felica Mann
Connie Martin
Pam Martin
Randy Martin
Gary Mazaroff
Patrick McCarthy
Manuel Medina
Annie Muniz
Michael Neeser
Dave Negrete
Scott Nelson
Mike Orr
Geoff Peters
Doug Philips
Carol Prentice
Curtis Rettke
Dennis Rosenberg
Dann Schwinger
Greg/Kellie Serault
Ben Simons
Steve Skinner
Mark Smith
Randy Stafford
Jan Stelma
Lynn Stephens
Barry Stewart
Frank Taddonio
George Tellez
Peggine Tellez
Jackie Tilton
Willie Tilton
Pete Ulliman
David Watson
Scott Winters
James/Tressa Wood
Chad Yoshinaga
- 8:00 a.m. Welcome and
-- Jim Hiser, USA Racquetball Executive Director
- 8:15 a.m. A new
-- James Wood, CEO, IAB Corporation
- 8:30 a.m. USA Racquetball's
New Direction -- Jim Scherr, Acting CEO, US Olympic
Committee and Tyrone Lockhart, Manager, USOC Sports
- 8:45 a.m. A new marketing
direction -- Ivan Davis, USA Racquetball Director of
- 9:45 a.m. BREAK
- 10:00 a.m. New programs to
support new growth -- Doug Ganim, Racquetball Manufacturers
- 10:45 a.m. Tennis
-- Bruce Ryder
- 11:00 a.m. A new portable
court; A step in the right direction -- Joe Garcia,
Association of United Wallyball Players
- 12:00 LUNCH
- 1:00 p.m. Focus group -
"A" task - What should the sport of racquetball do
to increase participation and visibility?
- 3:00 p.m. BREAK
- 3:15 p.m. Focus group -
"B" task - What should USA Racquetball's function
- 5:15 p.m. Synopsis and close
- 7:00 p.m. The
evolution of racquetball and where we are! -- Steve Keeley,
On-court demonstration
September 6
- 8:30 a.m. Welcome and review
of agenda -- Jim Hiser
- 8:45 a.m. A new computerized
membership service -- Kevin Joyce, Membership Director, USA
- 10:00 a.m. BREAK
- 10:15 a.m. Sanctioning your
events -- Kevin Joyce
- Summit Agenda, continued
- 10:45 a.m. Rebates and new
policies -- Kevin Joyce
- 11:15 a.m. A new ranking
system -- Usher Barnoff, Vantage Tech
- 12:00 p.m. LUNCH
- 1:00 p.m. Continuation -
ranking system
- 1:30 p.m. New membership
card -- Kevin Joyce
- 2:00 p.m. Review of focus
groups and discussion
- 3:00 p.m. BREAK
- 3:15 p.m. New Material
- 3:45 p.m. Questions and
- 4:15 p.m. Closing -- Jim
summit opens
With attendees arriving as early as Wednesday
evening, the IAB Summit in the Rockies is preparing to welcome industry
leaders to an innovative USRA planning session that promises to set a new
direction for the sport.
the largest attendance to date at a non-tournament function, the USRA will
host over 100 volunteers, corporate business owners, manufacturers and players
for a pre-event golf benefit, followed by a packed agenda and social
functions at the base of Pike's Peak.
will feature the USRA's Director of Membership Kevin Joyce, who will unveil a
series of internet enhancements to member, ranking and tournament services,
and Marketing Director Ivan Davis, who will detail several of the
association's new sponsorship and promotional programs.
focus group sessions over the two day conference, the USRA hopes to gauge
response to these new programs, and introduce a number of new policies and
procedures that will become effective this coming season.
Summit will launch on Friday morning with keynote remarks from James Wood, CEO
of the International Association of Business and Jim Scherr, Acting CEO of the
U.S. Olympic Committee.
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