![]() |
![]() IRF 11th World
Championships |
preview | releases | rosters | drawsheets: individual & team | finals & finishers |
Media Guide |
MEDIA ADVISORY! ... Contact the U.S. Racquetball Association Media/Public Relations Department for more details. Call 719/635-5396, x126 or fax to 719-635-0685. |
event information |
travel & lodging |
Official Host Hotel / Hotel Sede: Diamond
Palace Hotel and Casino, 55 Condado Avenue, PO Box 13637, San Juan Puerto
Rico 00908. Contact Person: Mildred Rodríguez; Tel (787) 721-0810 or 1
-800-468-2014; Fax (787) 725-7895.
Rate/Tarifa & Occupancy / Occupación: 1 or 2 persons - $70.00 US plus(+) 11% taxes. Rate includes a complete breakfast. 3 or 4 persons - $80.00 US plus (+) 11% taxes. Rate includes a complete breakfast. Additional charges: $2.50 US per person for bell boy and $0.50 US per day / per person for maids service. Continental Airlines: Is offering, in some zones, a special discount with a minimum purchase of 10 tickets. When making the reservations with this airline make reference to the following number V7DYJB to determine if the discount applies to your purchase. En algunas rutas, Continental está ofreciendo un descuento con la compra de un mínimo de 10 boletos con esta aerolínea. Cuando llame para hacer reservaciones en esta línea haga referencia al siguiente número V7DYJB para determinar si el descuento aplica a la compra. Copa Airlines: Is offering a special 20% discount on tickets purchased for the event. Buyers must make reference to the following reference number CM00513/FLHHH when purchasing the ticket(s). Esta ofreciendo un descuento especial de un 20% en la compra de boletos para asistir al evento. Cuando se vaya a comprar el boleto deberá hacer referencia al número CM00513/FLHHH. American Airlines: Is offering a special 5 to 10% discount to some fares in several routes provided the purchasing of 10 tickets. When making the reservations with this airline ask the travel agent to call the following number 1-800-433-1790 Meeting Services Desk and make reference to the following contract number HCI2204021532 to determine if the discount applies to your purchase. En algunas rutas, American está ofreciendo un descuento de 5 a 10% con la compra de un mínimo de 10 boletos con dicha aerolínea. Cuando haga las reservaciones en esta línea pídale a su agente de viaje que llame para mayor información al 1-800-433-1790 (Meeting Services Desk) y haga referencia al siguiente número de contrato HCI2204021532 para determinar si el descuento aplica a la compra. |
schedule of events |
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