
March - April 2003
Vol. 14, No. 2 | Contents |
USRA Board Elections 2003
To vote, please follow the directions published on the pre-printed ballot bound
within the print edition of the March/April RACQUETBALL. Ballots are provided to adult USRA members only (voting is limited to those over 18), and voting will not be included with the National Singles entry. If your ballot is missing, you may request a numbered ballot by calling the national office at 719-635-5396 and presenting your membership number. Deadline for receipt of completed ballots is FRIDAY APRIL 25, 2003.
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[Appointed, with 218 votes =
Lorraine Galloway Jamaica Estates, New York
I was first introduced to racquetball at Binghamton State University. After college, I began teaching intro classes at the YMCA in Manhattan. In 1995 I began teaching junior racquetball at the YMCA in Queens and I've sent juniors to nationals through this program. I coached a ladies travel league from 1990-1993.
I've played in National events since 1985 and started playing professionally in 1992, then served on WPRA board. I became AMPRO certified and a level two referee and was voted onto the New York State Board. I'm on the rules committee for the USRA and a clinician for
I am now Racquetball director and reception manager for Sunrise Health and Racquet Club in Long Island. I am also currently an ERC for
Ektelon. I've been involved in every aspect of the game from playing at national events to administering behind the scenes.
For all that know me I like to see things done the right way. I'm very dedicated to women's and junior racquetball. Racquetball is in my blood and I feel very passionate about it's success and growth. Vote for me and I will help take racquetball to the next level.

[Appointed, with 228 votes =
Lance Gilliam San Antonio, Texas
Promoting and advancing the sport of racquetball is one of my life goals. I feel like I can approach any stranger and talk about playing racquetball because I truly believe that it is the greatest sport ever invented.
I began playing Junior racquetball tournaments in 1976. With only a one-year lay-off in the past 26 years, I have competed in local, state, regional, national, professional and international racquetball events. I have been a sponsored player for 25 years. I have also taught racquetball for over 20 years. I am currently the Treasurer for the Texas Racquetball Association. I feel that my financial background as a Certified Public Accountant will be an asset to the Board of the
It has also been my pleasure to start a grass-roots racquetball program in San Antonio, Texas
(acraracquetball.com). The future of racquetball will depend on how we advance these grass-roots programs around the country. I believe that the Internet can be utilized to create interest, increase organization and enhance communication.
The dawn of a new era for Racquetball is approaching. Working together, there is no limit to how far this sport can go! I would appreciate your support.

[Lost, with 206 votes =
Geoff Peters Chicago, Illinois
Racquetball is growing again! Our numbers are increasing and the mission of the USRA - to develop competitive players at all levels of our sport, is bringing a focus to our efforts!
As a State Board Member (20 years), Tournament Director (37 State/Regional Events), Club Owner (7 court facility), former USRA Board Member (Finance, Hall of Fame Committees) and avid player (yes, still in the A's after 30 seasons!); I have the background to represent both the players and our sport. In particular, I would like to ensure a voice for: Juniors, High School and Collegiate players - for whom we compete with other organized sports; Female players - who represent a huge potential pool of crossover participants; Club players - who unknowingly benefit from the structure that the USRA brings to the sport; Mature players - who understand that racquetball is a lifetime sport.
In the 9 - 5 (I only wish those were the actual hours) world, I am a Director of Procurement for Sears, having traded my frequent flyer bonuses and consulting assignments for more of a work/life balance. I look forward to bringing my business and financial expertise to the

[Lost, with 182 votes =
Tom Rall Denver, Colorado
Involved with racquetball for over thirty years as a player, organizer, teacher, coach and promoter, there are many reasons why I'd like to serve on the USRA Board. None stands out more than my interest in promoting and expanding the sport of racquetball. Many have said, "The sport's dying a slow death
It's just not what it used to be." I agree there are ebbs and tides in everything. Racquetball's no exception.
We care about the sport; however, few are in a position to do anything that will positively affect it. As one with over thirty years of business marketing experience, I know I can contribute in this area. Racquetball also needs a Hall of Fame facility. Our women deserve equal reward. And our junior programs need expansion. As a former U.S. Olympic Diving Team member, National Rugby Team player, and 10-time national-level racquetball champion, I know sports on the national level. I've served on State Boards, the Advisory Staff for
Ektelon, and write for Racquetball Magazine, attributes that make me a good person to serve on the USRA Board. If you vote for me and if elected, I will devote myself to making these positive things happen for racquetball!

[Appointed, with 221 votes =
58.1%]Frank Taddonio Gilbert, Arizona
I strongly desire to be an elected member of the USRA Board of Directors because our sport is at an extremely important point in history. I've served as Military Representative to the USRA for two years and currently serve as interim Secretary for the USRA Board of Directors. I want to be instrumental in fostering initiatives and working on existing projects to improve our sport. I've been playing for over twenty years, continuously striving to keep pace with ongoing developments.
As a retired military officer, my assignments across the USA and around the globe enabled me to be an ambassador for racquetball, through volunteer service to programs in California, Washington, Virginia and Arizona. Noteworthy was my membership on the Virginia State Board as the rules commissioner and contributions to various committees for the Arizona State Board. I also compete in local, state, regional, and national level tournaments. I am an
Ektelon-sponsored player, an AmPro certified Professional Instructor and certified as a Level II referee. If elected, I'll be in a position to help with future developments in racquetball at all levels and I'll work diligently to improve as many aspects of our sport as possible.
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