Ready ... Set ... Write by Linda Mojer
Maybe it’s my imagination, but I get the distinct impression that people are actually reading this publication (Happy Thanksgiving to me ...)! Don’t ask me how I know, but I’m pretty sure that players start to get antsy right about the time their bi-monthly “fix” is due.
Usually, that’s right around the time when new members and subscribers — who mistakenly assume that this is a monthly magazine (bite your tongue) — start to email the office looking for their start-up issue. “I joined six weeks ago, and I haven’t received my magazine yet” they wail. Mindful of their confusion, I dig out the stock reply (which goes into great detail about production schedules, non-profit mailing status, huge mag tapes of data and the postal service) to explain the delay. And in the back of my mind, I figure, “hey, they
want the darn thing ... kinda makes your life worthwhile, eh?” And I’m not even Canadian ...
Another thing that makes my life worthwhile? When I learn that not only are people reading the magazine, they are responding to content! In fact, I’ve been downright giddy lately — when offers by writers and photographers to contribute to our pages come in. Mindful of my own confusion, I dig out the stock reply (which goes into great detail about volunteerism, non-profit profit status, huge expenses and long hours) to explain the deal. And in the back of my mind, I figure “hey, they
want to write for the darn thing ... let ‘em!”
The result? This issue is filled with articles, photos, quotes and bits and pieces from just about everyone who every offered to “do something for the magazine.” We have feature writer Tom Slear (always a sure bet), plus a slew of weekend-warriors-turned-bard like Cameron Potts, Tom Rall, Joanne Pomodoro, Ron Pudduck, Mike Mesecke and Marcy Lynch adding to the work of our regular contributors. Ready and waiting to cover pro stops and special events are Mike Ceresia, Brian Pointelin, Dick Barton, Janelle Santillanes, Bill DeGregorio, Lori Lepow and Tom Haddaway. They’re from all over, so find one, tell them what you want to see in the magazine and have them pitch me a story. I’m all ears!
Now it’s your turn. I’m absolutely certain that each and every one of them will want to know how you like their work (to make their lives worthwhile, after all). So tell ‘em.
Or me. Or both.
Let’s hear from you, but not before I explain ... “if it weren’t for all those higher-postal-class catalogues jamming up the mail-stream,
your hard-copy issue would have been in your hands earlier ... !”
Happy Holidays!