FROM THE EDITOR: Where are They?
by Linda Mojer
With only four months to go, Id like to jump right in with
both feet to become one of the many millions of people who will
reflect on the past while looking toward our future as
the millenium approach-eth. Well, there might not be quite so much of
that on the subject of racquetball, but I wanted to get my two cents
in early anyway.
So, as much as we talk about racquetball being a community,
shouldnt we face facts? If it were truly one big, happy family,
there wouldnt be quite so many distant cousins, twice-removed,
wandering around without any feel for their roots. You
know, players who dont even know that there is any organized
structure for the sport they enjoy? Dont know their Gee-neology?
[Gee, theres a national office? Gee, and a state
association? I can buy an official rulebook? A magazine? Attend major
tournaments? Gee!] If we accept the most-conservative data, which
sets the number of regular racquetball enthusiasts at roughly nine
million, were left with about 8,975,000 long-lost relatives
wandering around looking for the picnic. How do we invite them?
At the beginning of the summer, our thought was to have those of you
in the know spread the word through a membership drive.
Our office was practically faint at the prospect of just doubling our
membership base (leaving 8,950,000 still at large). We offered some
incentives to bring in new members (balls for everyone!), and prize
drawings (theres plenty left ...) then waited to watch our
numbers grow. Lets just say that we are all still
The point? The membership drive is entering its last phase and our
little community remains just that. Where are all our league, shuttle,
mixer, pick-up game and once-a-week-at-six-am brethren? Reaching them
one-on-one is effective, but slow. Entire league sign-ups are quicker.
You, or your clubs league director, can make multiple copies of
the .pdf form
and use them to claim a can of balls for each new member you sign up.
Quick, easy, and you could end up with a case-ful to yourself!
So, I reflect on the time when racquetball was a much larger
community. And I hold out hope for a bright future in which the USRA
will provide services to ... oh, lets say one percent (yes, 1%)
of the estimated playing population. By my count, that would be a
whopping 90,000! You know, I may faint ... |